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About Us

This website OKU Bumper Sticker is dedicated to providing quality information on the subject of the  Handicap or Orang Kurang Upaya Bumper Sticker.  In particular for the safety to drive on the road and  on the solutions for warning third party vehicle. 
Here you will find helpful reviews, informative information and tips and much more. This site is in the format of a ‘web blog’ so that each time I post new information, it will come to the top of the front page. This means that you can check back here frequently to see new updates to the information found here.
You can navigate through the site by using the menus on the sides of the page. Also don’t hesitate to follow the links you see in bold throughout each post to learn more about the product being spoken about.
 I hope you find the information I have provide valuable info and helpful.
All the best,
Jack Wu
© 2011, All rights reserved


Contact Us For Ordering OKU Bumper Sticker Design
Local Order via SMS +60-16-9578801
Oversea Order via email stating details :
1)OKU Bumper Sticker Design No.
2)Delivery Location / Mailing Address exp. Johor, Perak, Selangor, Sabah etc...

I will respond within 24 hours.


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